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Begin Again. Fail Better
Begin Again. Fail Better
Am Anfang steht die Zeichnung – Bedingungen und Bedeutung des Scheiterns im Entwurfsprozess
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Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2024
Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2024
Gleich zwei Bücher von Park Books gehören zu den Preisträgern
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Modern Buildings in Blackheath and Greenwich
Modern Buildings in Blackheath and Greenwich
Moderne Wohnarchitektur von Weltrang in zwei besonderen Stadtteilen Londons
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Brick 24
Brick 24
«Ziegel pflastern im wörtlichen und übertragenen Sinn den Weg für die laufenden Experimente in der Architektur.» Vendula Hnídková
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«Dieses Buch ist aussergewöhnlich»
«Dieses Buch ist aussergewöhnlich»
Schönste Bücher Österreichs: «Roger Boltshauser – Response» mit Staatspreis ausgezeichnet!
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Architektur Klima Atlas
Architektur Klima Atlas
Wie wir dem Klimawandel einen Kulturwandel abgewinnen können: Ein praxisorientiertes Handbuch zu Klimafragen in der Architektur
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Über Tourismus
Über Tourismus
Tourismus, der nicht zerstört, wovon er lebt – Eine Suche nach Transformationspotenzialen
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The Art of Architectural Grafting
The Art of Architectural Grafting
Jeanne Gang präsentiert die uralte Tradition der Veredelung durch Aufpfropfen als Werkzeug für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen
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Unsere Preisträger bei den Schönsten Schweizer Büchern 2023 und den Schönsten Büchern aus aller Welt 2024
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Wir liefern versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland, Österreich und in die Schweiz!

Wir liefern versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland, Österreich und in die Schweiz!



The Barrack, 1572–1914 tells the little-known history of a building type that many people used to register as an alien interloper in conventionally built-up areas. The barrack is a mostly lightweight construction, a hybrid between shack, tent, and traditional building. It is a highly efficient structure that sometimes also proves to be extremely durable. Easy to erect and to take down, it is—after the introduction of railways and later motor vehicles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries—also easy to transplant from one location to another. 

Originating as a standardized accommodation in the late 16th century, the barrack became a mass-produced utility of military and civilian mobilization in the 19th century, providing immediate shelter for soldiers as well as for displaced persons, disaster victims, or prisoners. The barrack played a decisive role in shaping the political space of modernity.
By Robert Jan van Pelt
Book design by Bureau Sandra Doeller

#parkbooks #newrelease #emergencyarchitecture #barrack #temporarybuildings #architecturehistory #architecturebooks
Begin Again. Fail Better: Preliminary Drawings in Architecture engages with one of the principal activities of the architect in the process of design: drawing by hand. It explores the act of designing through a focus on beginnings. Architects try, fail, try again, fail better until they start to move in the direction that ultimately becomes a building—or not.
More than 50 contemporary Swiss architecture firms each contributed two pieces that reveal something of their individual approach and understanding of architecture. This selection is enhanced by historical works by Swiss and European architects that come from four significant British and Swiss archival collections, dating from the 20th and back to the 16th century. The illustrations are complemented by essays providing a critical and historical framework, as well as a conversation engaging with the conditions and importance of failure within the design process. Brief interludes by international architects, archivists and teachers, introducing a range of perspectives, round out this beautiful volume.
Edited by Kunstmuseum Olten, Helen Thomas, Dorothee Messmer, Katja Herlach, Manuel Montenegro
@kunstmuseumolten @dorotheemessmer 

Graphic design by Studio Mathias Clottu

Begin Again. Fail Better is now available.

#beginagainfailbetter #architecturesketch #parkbooks #kunstmuseumolten #architecturaldrawings #swissarchitecture #creativepractice
„Wer […] den bisherigen Fremdenverkehr fördern und weiterentwickeln möchte, soll das Buch ‘Über Tourismus’ erwerben und genau studieren. Wetten wir, dass nicht wenige ihre Meinung ändern werden!“ Fabrizio Brentini, Journal 21

„Über Tourismus“ beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen unserer Urlaubswünsche auf die gebaute Umwelt, das soziale Gefüge und den Klimawandel. Fragen, wie in Zeiten von Klimakrise, Kriegen, Pandemie, Fachkräftemangel und einer anhaltenden Energiekrise Tourismus neu gedacht und in andere, verträglichere Bahnen gelenkt werden kann und welche Rolle dabei Raumplanung und Architektur spielen, ziehen sich als roter Faden durch das Buch. Anschauliche Illustrationen, Beispiele und reiches Datenmaterial verdeutlichen u. a. das Zusammenspiel von Tourismus und Wirtschaftswachstum, steigenden CO2-Emissionen oder der Verdrängung der lokalen Bevölkerung durch ausufernde Wohn- und Lebenshaltungskosten. Das Buch sucht nach Transformationspotenzial.

Die gleichnamige Ausstellung im Architekturzentrum Wien ist noch bis 09. September zu sehen! 
Hrsg. vom @architekturzentrum_wien
Buchgestaltung von @wearelwz @manuelradde

#tourismus #übertourismus #azw #ausstellung #wien #architektur #architekturbuch #parkbooks
Summer reading season is in full swing – and these three books definitely deserve a spot in your suitcase.

Emanuele Quinz picked “The Art of Architectural Grafting” for his DOMUS Best Summer Books list. In her book, Architect Jeanne Gang explores how the horticultural practice of grafting can inspire a fresh paradigm for sustainable design. Whether you are exploring foreign places on vacation or rediscovering your own neighborhood—questions of sustainable architecture are becoming increasingly important everywhere. This book presents an exciting new approach, gives insights into Gang’s practice and why her father always planned road trips for family summer vacation.

@emanuelequinz @studiogang

Edwin Heathcote from The Financial Times picked “Protest Architecture” as one of his summer reads for this year—a volume full of encyclopedia entries and case studies of protest architecture over more than 190 years. Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages, but in many cases also through their—mostly temporary—buildings. We feel “Protest Architecture” is to be consulted rather than read in one go, which is why the book stands the test of time between keeping your children from eating sand cakes and relaxing.

@heathcoteedwin @architekturmuseum @mak_vienna 

Julie Cirelli from our team chose “The Advanced School of Collective Feeling” as her Park Books summer read. The book explores the advent of radical new conceptions of the body—a phenomenon known in the 1920s and ’30s as “physical culture”—and their impact on the thinking of some of modern architecture’s most influential figures. This obscure chapter in the modern movement gestures towards a remarkable synthesis of the individual and the collective, a perspective that holds enormous potential for articulating an architecture of today.

@juliecirelli @nilegreenberg @mathoken 

We’d love to hear or see which one of our books was on travels with you alongside passport, toothbrush and flip-flops!
Highlights from our backlist: Revered architect Hermann Czech got honoured with the Grand Austrian State Prize 2024 - Learn more about an outstanding life’s work that has shaped generations of architects

Hermann Czech, born in 1936, is one of Austria’s most influential architects and theorists. His work as a designer extends beyond architecture to furniture, interiors, and exhibitions, and he is also widely known for his writings on architectural theory and as the editor and translator of classics of architectural history.
This book is the expanded English edition of the only full monograph on Hermann Czech to date. First published in German in 2018, it goes far beyond a mere presentation of an architecture practice’s buildings and projects. The first part traces what links Czech’s work to the approaches of Viennese modernism. The second part explores Czech’s biography and the trajectory of his career, analyzing as well the contemporary influences that shape his thinking and designs. The third part features selected buildings and unrealized projects, setting forth also Czech’s numerous references and underlying reflections. A complete index of his buildings, projects, and writings, an essay by Vienna-based philosopher Elisabeth Nemeth on the relationship between architecture and philosophy in Czech’s work, and an introduction by architectural historian Liane Lefaivre round off this volume.
The book has been chosen as one of the Financial Times’ Best Books of 2023 in the Architecture & Design Category.
Author and editor: Eva Kuss
Book design by Atelier Neubacher, Graz
Hermann Czech. An Architect in Vienna is available in our web shop or at your local bookstore.
#hermannczech #architect #vienna #austrianarchitecture #architecture #architecturetheory #architecturebooks #parkbooks